About ERC

Carla Isabel Agostinho Martins

Photo of Carla Martins, Member of the Board

Carla Martins joined ERC in 2006 and performed the following functions: media analyst (2006-2014); advisor to the Regulatory Board (2016-2019); and head of the Media Transparency Unit (2019-2023).

Carla Martins holds a degree in Philosophy from the Faculty of Arts of Coimbra (1997) and was awarded the Eng.º António de Almeida academic merit prize in 1999 and the António Feijó academic merit prize in 1996, both in the Philosophy field. She holds a PhD in Communication Sciences with specialisation in Media and Journalism from the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Nova University of Lisbon (2013).

She is a university teacher of media and journalism since 2003. She is currently a visiting assistant professor at Lusófona University and at the School of Social Sciences of the Portuguese Catholic University. She is a researcher at the Nova Institute of Communication (ICNOVA) and works with the Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies (CICANT) from the Lusófona University and with the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (CIEG).

As researcher, Carla Martins is the author/co-author of numerous national and international publications focused on media regulation, journalism and gender studies (Orcid: 0000-0002-4625-1521).

She is co-coordinator of the Working Group on Gender and Sexuality from the Portuguese Communication Sciences Association (SOPCOM).

Carla Martins began her career as a journalist in local media of Lousã, the place where she is from. Later on, she was part of the first multimedia editorial office of RTP, the Portuguese radio and television public broadcaster.

She was advisor to the President of the Portuguese Parliament in 2015.